(Registration does not require instant payment.)
Does your high schooler need an organized step-by-step way to study for the SAT?
Do they need to become more motivated to prepare for this crucial test?
Is there some confusion regarding the new "digital" SAT?
Are you looking for an affordable, relaxed, and convenient method for your high schooler to learn and practice SAT material for their best personal score?
Does your high schooler need live instruction and more than just attempting practice questions in a study guide to tackle this test?
Do they need an easy-to-contact, state-certified instructor that can answer their questions and guide them?
Is text anxiety or overall confusion regarding the SAT blocking their success with prepping?
Is their previous score not high enough for their goals?
How does as low as $25 per hour of group instruction compare to other services you've researched?
The SAT Prep4Success group class could be your answer!
Now covering the new version of the SAT - the Digital SAT (DSAT).
The SAT is important for several reasons. Many students are looking to get into certain colleges that may have SAT score requirements, while others are looking to get scholarships like Bright Futures. In the end, your child's SAT score may determine where they get accepted and whether they will receive $1000's upon $1000's in scholarship funds to not only pay for school but also to avoid large, debilitating school loans. It is important to note that if your child doesn't reach their SAT goal after multiple tries, there are many other great, alternative options available for them to further their education and still reach their career goals. Please contact us if you need any counseling/advice.
Private SAT tutoring is available @ only $50/hr. Group instruction is more popular though because it is half the price, possibly more motivating, and feels more like a "class" than just tutoring.
(Prep4Success boot camp pricing is found in the registration below...)
There is an option to pay for one live session at a time, or you may pay for the entire class at once (best deal). There is also an option for self-study.
The next virtual SAT Prep4Success group class starts on
Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 6:00p.
The January 19 class will finish about a week before the next SAT test on March 8. It is set up this way on purpose: material is fresh!
Be sure to register for the March 8 SAT test a few weeks ahead of time to avoid a late registration fee (register for the SAT test at www.collegeboard.org). The registration deadline is Feb 21.
Class is forming now.
There are 12 SESSIONS, meeting twice per week (Sundays 6:00-7:30p and Wednesdays 7:15-8:45p) for 6 weeks with a total of 18 hours of live prep.
Sessions are 90 minutes long.
SAT prep is a process, not a cram session. This is why the class is spread out over several weeks with easily digestible 90 minute sessions. Topics will flow in a logical manner, cumulatively building upon each other. Students are not overwhelmed.
NOTE: This class will be 75% focused on the math portion of the SAT. Reading strategies and language arts will definitely be reviewed, but there is little time during this class for lengthy direct practice of these skills. Students are expected to apply learned skills and practice these on their own when assigned these topics for homework.
Session recordings available after each session = low stress during sessions
No need for never-ending note-taking or fear of missing important information.
Improves active listening!
I will not call on specific students to answer questions = zero worries for shy students!
Being on video on Zoom...never required
It it common that a student must miss a class or two due to other events. There are no refunds for missed classes. Sessions will be recorded, but recordings for missed sessions will only be sent to the student if that session has been paid for. For paid sessions, recordings and summaries are always sent to the student for later review! There are never any worries of missed information...
Both the physical Official SAT Study Guide 2020 and the new Official "Digital" SAT Study Guide 2023 are required. These are referred to during the class often, needed for homework assignments, and are not optional. Amazon is usually the least expensive. See them here:
https://amzn.to/3RBujwJ (2020 guide - currently $28)
https://amzn.to/3vfFow0 (2023 digital guide - currently $23)
Post-its are helpful for marking pages in these large study guides.
Students must have a scientific calculator and a new dedicated notebook just for SAT goals, class notes, and homework. A laptop or desktop computer is preferred over a tablet. Phones are not appropriate for Zoom sessions except for emergency.
Homework is assigned by text after every live class. This will include pages in the required study guides plus confidence exercises. Homework is not graded. The answers and explanations are in the study guides for the student's reference. Students are expected to be motivated enough to complete the homework as best they can to reach their SAT goal. If this is a concern, check your child's homework often to insert additional accountability into the equation. It is important to give them extra space and extra time throughout the 6 weeks to complete this work and review the session videos for their best personal SAT score. Scheduling an agreed set time every day for SAT prep is smart. Allow them this time and ensure a quiet study environment to improve focus. Some students are busier than others, but all students should be doing something for SAT prep every day, no excuses.
Students are free to text the instructor pictures of problematic questions in the study guides to receive explanations.
***Homework review is available after sessions free of charge, but students are expected to send specific question numbers ahead of time.***
Specific results/scores on the SAT can never be guaranteed. There are students that raise their score several hundred points (300 is our record!) and others that don't increase at all. It largely depends on whether the student is motivated to excel, attends class, asks questions, reviews class videos, does their daily homework/confidence exercises, and is willing to commit to 6 weeks of consistent, serious WORK.
NEXT: What to do once you've submitted this registration:
1) Please have your child complete the SAT math pretest found in the menu above. { http://www.trextutoring.com/satact-math-pretest.html } It will be graded before the first class. It must be completed 24 hours before the first session. All work and answers should be written down along with the online submission. The pretest will not submit if not 100% completed, and all answers will be lost.
2) Order both required physical form texts:
2020 Official SAT Study Guide by College Board
2023 Official "Digital" SAT Study Guide by College Board
3) Make payment. Payment due 24 hours before class begins. To send payment without fees, use Zelle, Venmo, or CashApp, sending to 954-547-0992. For credit card, use the "Purchase Sessions" tab above. If you don't see the amount you are looking for, call/text 954-547-0992. Note that credit card transactions have an additional processing fee.
4) Make effort to ensure a quiet, secluded environment so your child can focus during class and during personal study. Consider removing distractions if it's an issue (student's cellphone).
The ZOOM meeting codes will be sent to you before class begins (once payment is received). No invitation links are needed. Students join meetings directly through the Zoom application with the meeting number and passcode, not from this website.
1) Please have your child complete the SAT math pretest found in the menu above. { http://www.trextutoring.com/satact-math-pretest.html } It will be graded before the first class. It must be completed 24 hours before the first session. All work and answers should be written down along with the online submission. The pretest will not submit if not 100% completed, and all answers will be lost.
2) Order both required physical form texts:
2020 Official SAT Study Guide by College Board
2023 Official "Digital" SAT Study Guide by College Board
3) Make payment. Payment due 24 hours before class begins. To send payment without fees, use Zelle, Venmo, or CashApp, sending to 954-547-0992. For credit card, use the "Purchase Sessions" tab above. If you don't see the amount you are looking for, call/text 954-547-0992. Note that credit card transactions have an additional processing fee.
4) Make effort to ensure a quiet, secluded environment so your child can focus during class and during personal study. Consider removing distractions if it's an issue (student's cellphone).
The ZOOM meeting codes will be sent to you before class begins (once payment is received). No invitation links are needed. Students join meetings directly through the Zoom application with the meeting number and passcode, not from this website.